Wednesday, December 17, 2008

christmas knitting stress - I has a bit of it

Mom's socks are done, so that's good.

L's socks are halfway finished, but I plan to finish them during the visit home, so that's good.

My dad has enormous goddamned feet. Christmas is next week. Not so good.

I have been knitting for DAYS, I shit you not. One sock is 5" long. The other is 10" long. They have to be 11" long before I can turn the heel. I keep knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and still I can't turn the damn heel because it isn't long enough! GAH! And at some point, it occurred to me that I have no damn idea if I have enough damn yarn for a decent length sock. (I was smart enough to knit them toe-up.)

They're going to be really gorgeous socks if I can ever finish them. They're a lovely variegated brown with a 6x2 ribbing. They use the Upstream Architecture from Cat Bordhi's Big Book o'Insanity, which puts the expansion triangle at the top of the foot.
dadsocks 02

But first I have to finish them. And I should probably be working on that instead of blogging my stress and taking pictures of unfinished socks, yes? AAAAAAUUUGGH!

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