Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I am so excited about Ravelry's Ravelympics. I was planning an Olympic knit-along anyway (which is half the reason I skipped Tour de Fleece), and it's fun to be part of a group. I'm fairly sure I've overcommited, but if people can knit an entire damn sweater during the Olympics, I should be able to manage 2 pairs of socks and 2 rovings! Right?

Team Ankh-Morpork

This is my main team. I couldn't figure out what team to join until I realized that I spent the weekend rereading some of my favorite Discworld witch novels. I've signed up for 3 events:

Team OkieKnitters

I had to join the home team for this sock -- the yarn colors make me think of home.
  • Sock Put -- Olympersimmon socks. This is going to be interesting -- it uses the beautiful Orchid pattern overlaid on Cat Bordhi's Riverbed sockitecture. Riverbed puts all arch increases beneath the sole, so the Orchid pattern will float along the top of the foot. And I'll be using Bordhi’s toe-up master reinforced heel, which is rapidly becoming my favorite. The yarn is Persimmon SW merino from pigeonroofstudios. It's a beautiful golden yellow purple orange brown white blend that makes me think of autumn in Oklahoma.

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